In Brief: Helm Dependencies

I first ran into Helm sometime around the 2.x release while looking for ways to manage the complexity of packaging software for Kubernetes. At the time tiller, an in-cluster service with broad permissions, made it a non-starter for my use case. I didn't need it again until coworkers proposed Helm as a way to package our latest product experiment at Armory.

Helm has matured dependency support since I last checked, making it an attractive way to bundle extra software with a project. Charts may declare a dependencies block which contain a set of objects. These objects contain the parent registry, version, and conditions under which you want to include them. A sample dependency might look like the following config block:

# file: my-project/Chart.yaml
apiVersion: v2

version: v0.1.0
appVersion: v0.1.0

name: my-project

    name: argo-rollouts
    version: ~2.1.0
    condition: argo-rollouts.enabled

In this example, we bundle the Argo Rollouts Chart with our project. We also conditionally omit it if the user disables it with a runtime value. They would specify this condition either in their values.yaml file, or at runtime like so:

helm install my-project company/my-project \
  --set argo-rollouts.enabled=false

Any Chart values defined by downstream dependencies can also be passed through by prefixing values with the name of the dependency. In our example above we are consuming the rollouts chart with this values file. If we want to default to not installing Argo CRDs, for example, we can set this in the values.yaml file for our Chart:

# file: my-project/values.yaml

  enabled: true
  installCRDs: false

If we decide later that we don't need argo-rollouts for our package anymore, we can remove it from our dependencies block. The next time we package up our Helm chart it will be removed from our charts directory. This will also remove it from any subsequent helm upgrade commands that consumers of our package run.
